What to do in the time of pandemics?

Just stay at home really and probably not spend too much money. Maybe we need this. Maybe this is the (soft) reset humanity needs to see exactly what its priorities are. And I believe these are mine, or at least something better to do than twiddling your thumbs.

Toni is 19 and in the blink of an eye, I'll be 50

I should be panicking but it’s not my birthday. And I never panic- not over stuff like aging or climate change anyway. I panic when I can’t decide between last year’s Ultraboost 19 at $100 off or this year’s edition in the cloud white variant. I panic when I can’t have bacon next Saturday because I had bacon two weeks ago. I feel that the world is ending, but I know that it would wobble along for quite a few decades along still and while I don’t give a fuck what happens to me, I have this ache in the pit of my chest, for my sibling’s children and their children at what they’re going to face.

But what can we do?

Well, let’s celebrate for as long as there’s someone to continue the family line, we’ll do everything in our power to ensure that they get far in life, achieve their dreams, find happiness and more importantly, become kind and compassionate people.


I tried out the DJI Mavic Mini for the 1st time today and I felt anxious.

What is it about driving- whether it be a car or a damned drone- that makes me anxious?

Hooked on images

I’m so dependent on images to prompt me to write something that unable to find anything suitable, I can’t seem to think of anything to write. It’s like being physically blind.

Reading back on my diary entries, I also struggle to remember the context of something I had written. My mind’s eye tries to picture those visual triggers and unable to recall them, it seems like I’m reading a stranger’s thoughts. This is serious, no?

Starting tomorrow- NO PHOTOS for blog entries. For as long as I can.

You need to walk untethered, like you used to.

Start of the working week

We have to eat, pay our mortgage, prepare for retirement, buy another $5,000 Apple product 😅.

I had to clear about 160+ emails from one work email address alone so I thought it best to avoid the back-to-work-gossip-catch-up fest by working from home on Monday. And while working, I managed to click on a site showing what the the Year of the Rat was going to be like. I was avoiding this, pretending that a decade hadn’t actually passed but then I saw that the start of the decade was heralded by the rat sign- MY SIGN!

I’m not into specifics (you will find great fortune this year) or abstractions (this year will find you more lucid and open) but I’ll gladly take positivity and put it into my head. There is nothing to lose by moving your work station just because anything north facing this year at least for me, augurs bad fortune.

Besides, how am I going to do great, creative work (again, foretold by my sign) this year working on a small table?

Moved my home work station away from its north-facing area

Moved my home work station away from its north-facing area

My work station at work (!) and yes, you can never have enough iMacs.

My work station at work (!) and yes, you can never have enough iMacs.

Has it been 10 years?

Apparently, a decade has passed; sorry but I didn’t notice because I wasn’t counting.

New Year’s Eve/at Emma’s

New Year’s Eve/at Emma’s

The only song I could recognise was Avril Lavigne; He wanted her/ She'd never tell/ Secretly she wanted him as well/ But all of her friends/ Stuck up their nose/They had a problem with his baggy clothes. High school never changes, only the people do. When we started the countdown, mirroring something we found on the internet on someone’s phone, 12 midnight had actually already passed; our Apple watches had already announced the new year with tiny fireworks blooming on our wrists. But we counted down anyway. And again for good measure.

For what is time, or 25 and 47, or 1985 and 2050? It’s all relative. From the past to the future, everything is going in one direction.

Working from home