Something is wrong with my wrist. It feels like something in it is broken, pinched or both. I don’t even remember having a moment when I may have injured it.
I could lift a dumbbell and do push-ups, but the motion of brushing my teeth or drying my back with a towel, hand bent backwards, hurts. I’m seeing my GP anyway next week so I’ve been advised to have it logged and if I need an X-ray or a specialist then hopefully, he’ll recommend something.
So lately, I’ve been trying to use my left hand more. I figured that why should we agonise over something that’s broken when we have a perfectly okay alternative? Well…it’s harder than you think 😂.
Movements you take for granted such as brushing your teeth, vacuuming or peeling an apple become a struggle for precision with your non-dominant hand. I know it’s wired, but if it’s your own brain, can you really not crack it?