You want to do art, but SnapChat filters and AI make it so much easier
You make Filipino-style spaghetti and everyone hates it
The temperature goes up a searing 20 degrees celsius
A Cinnabon branch opens in New Zealand and you think it’s the second coming of Christ
You didn’t eat rice for three weeks and you lost ZERO kilos
You were so sure of winning the lottery ($8m) but only ended up getting $26
You thought you were going to be really sad and upset but then all you felt was MEH
You can’t find the new Salem’s Lot movie from HBO Max on any of the streaming platforms
You’ve postponed reading all the new Kindle books you’ve bought until you get the new Ipad Mini that you’re being gifted with this Christmas
You have to choose between a longer holiday in the Philippines next year or a shorter one so you could go to Austria, Slovenia, Croatia and Italy in the fall