It was warm today, very warm. An almost tropical-like 22 degrees.
When you hear of climate change, it seems inconceivable to think of temperatures so unbearable that it goes beyond being annoyed that your armpits are soaked; that your face and head are oily; that your thighs are sticking to each other.
Even as recent as the mid-2000s, I was already consciously reconfiguring my life around the heat; most of my clothes were Nikes as they had that sweat-wicking fabric; I secretly had baby powder pressed inside a hanky to absorb the oil on my face, not to mention the habit of washing my face at least five times a day. But of course, I only realised later that the best remedy was to leave the tropics altogether for a country with a temperate climate.
Auckland however can still get hot, but just enough that makes you think- shall we shell out $$$ for an AC? But not yet. We hope, maybe not in the next 5 years, two?
When the sun drops, so does the temperature to 10 or 8 degrees and that is still cold for me. Rare are the nights when it gets so humid that you end up in your underwear (I can’t remember a time that I DID NOT use the duvet which I still use 24/7).
Anyhow, enjoy the pleasantness while it lasts.