Ryan Amor

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Sunday eats

I like oatmeal cookies and I like raisins = oatmeal raisin cookies.

This recipe is from here; and I was wanting chewy which is why when I find myself on Queen Street in Auckland’s CBD, I always buy a couple of Mrs. Higgins Rum Raisin cookies which sadly, they don’t seem to make anymore (I also love Rum Raisin ice cream).

But portioning the dough is tricky as I don’t have enough cookie-making experience to know what constitutes a ‘tablespoon of dough’ which doesn’t make sense when dough is neither a liquid nor a powder. And portion is crucial to this recipe especially when you need to refrigerate the dough for a bit so that it doesn’t flatten out really quickly in the oven; and that it bakes for only 12-15 minutes at 170, leaving a centre that’s supposed to be the chewy part. But I had to do what I had to do and the dry stickiness of the dough actually made it easier to form uniform shaped balls.

The dough did bake within the prescribed 12-15 minute period but I extended it a bit to like 20. I also switched the two trays because even if the partition was exactly in the middle, the lower tray cooked faster.

Was it what I expected? Not really. I could taste what seemed like baking soda (even if I had used only a teaspoon). The centre was chewy yes, but not as gooey rich as I hoped.

I may do this again, but will find another recipe.

(photos taken by the Lumix G9, with a Lumix G 25mm F1.7 lens)