Rain finally, all over the country and some hope to end a drought in Auckland that was threatening to implement water restrictions.
I used to love rainy weather, but rain in the Southern Hemisphere seems to be different from rain in the tropics. Tropical rain is commanding and resolute in its intensity; you know when it’s coming but wouldn't have an idea when it’s going to stop. Rain here is fitfully fickle, a flaky, shittily cold or annoyingly humid affair which is why Kiwis never really bother to put on a rain-coat or use an umbrella. I can’t count the number of times I would leave South Auckland dressed NOT to get wet, only to arrive in the central city just 30kms away to find sunshine and cloudless skies.
It’s stupid to say, but I miss a proper thunderstorm, a typhoon (already, I can hear my mother chiding me for wishing for something that could potentially kill us).
Normally, I would curl up in bed, with a book, or lately, with some movie, but the patter of rain outside- consistent throughout the day for once- now hardly offers reassuring comfort .