Listen to Beyonce's Lemonade as I did in the car going to the supermarket. In Sandcastles, she cries: Dishes smashed on my counter / From our last encounter/ Pictures snatched out the frame / Bitch I scratched out your name/ And your face/ What is it about you? / That I can't erase baby
When every promise don't work out that way/ No no baby/ When every promise don't work out that way..
Catch up on Greys Anatomy; and yes, I'll be watching it till the end of time or until I give up the conceit that I could have been a doctor.
Bike in the rain if I had a bike.
photo by Michael Quinn
Make a cardamom cream cake courtesy of my favourite cook Melissa Clarke of The New York Times.
Make hainanese chicken, which I just might for Friday night. The forecast has rain the whole week.
Download and read Moshin Hamid's novel 'Exit West' where migrants try to find a home via a series of magical doors ala the magical wardrobe in the Narnian Chronicles. I think it's plausible because didn't we just all enter one marked 'Trump World'?.
But Hamid sort of reassures us: