Joshua Vides is a god
Sometimes you see things that make you say, I could have done that, like really I could’ve. But of course you didn’t and someone else had done a way better job of it. This is Joshua Vides with his signature style of black and white outlined work with such brands as BMW, Nike and New Balance.
Joshua Vides 327 New Balance shoes
Inspired by Joshua’s own paint-spattered New Balance shoes, clever!
You don't have to splatter paint all over your clothes for that look
Which is what I did for this cheap Kmart winter shirt because I wanted that ‘artist-paint- spatter-effect-without-really-being-an-artist-look’. Suffice it to say that uhm, it didn’t look convincing. These are Joshua Vides ‘paint-spattered’ shorts and hoodie for New Balance (they’re no longer available in New Zealand unfortunately).
The "Crocs Pollex Clog by Salehe Bembury"
If you don’t get the aesthetics of these, it’s okay. Please feel free to be happy and contented with your boat shoes or loafers or uhm, espadrilles. Only a few of these were made and the right to purchase them ($84+) was done through a draw. You can buy these on sites such as Goat for over $400.