Ryan Amor

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  1. Playing James Bond- apparently, in spite of my youthful looks, I’m too old to be in the role. Fact: Daniel Craig was 35 when he did his 1st Bond film.

  2. That in one magical moment, I can draw a perfect, amazing drawing on one of my numerous sketch-books lying about the house.

  3. That in one magical moment, I can finish writing a perfect, amazing short-story on one of my numerous digital devices lying about the house.

  4. Baking the perfect macarons in under an hour using just a hand-held electric mixer.

  5. Getting the perfect body within 30 days by doing exercises 3x a week.

  6. Growing the most luscious, luxurious mustache.

  7. Getting super youthful skin by applying not two, not three, not four, but six products every night.

  8. Getting the cat to love me for what I am.

  9. Looking exactly in real life, like your digital photos.

  10. Trump and Putin dying painful, lonely deaths and Duterte ending up in jail.

  11. All the brazen thieves in Auckland getting the electric-chair